【】Rest in peace, the military.
Millennials, a rowdy band of murderers responsible for killing everything from focus groups to lunch, have claimed their latest victim -- at least according to Joe Scarborough. 。
Rest in peace, the military.。
Yes, Scarborough fired off a tweet on Monday claiming that today's "young men" spend too much time playing video games, unlike their ancestors who spent their youths "liberat[ing] Europe from Nazism and the Pacific from the Japanese Empire." The nerve of these boys!。
SEE ALSO:RIP: Here are 70 things millennials have killed 。
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Interesting take on being a dude, no? I mean, I'm a millennial, so I've never seen or held a dictionary, but I was unaware that "masculinity" meant "being drafted during a world war." 。
Unsurprisingly, Joe got soundly rebuked for his remarks on Twitter. The replies also revealed a trend that may have surprised him -- some folks in the military also ... like ... video games?
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Tweet may have been deleted 。 Tweet may have been deleted。Well, off to go play 10 hours of。
Breath of the Wild。
and mainline avocado toast. See ya!。
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