WhatsApp Status, its version of Snapchat's Stories feature, now has 175 million daily users.。
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the news Wednesday in an earnings call, in which he also mentioned WhatsApp now has 1.2 billion monthly users. 。
SEE ALSO:Seriously, no one is using Facebook Stories。WhatsApp is one of Facebook's many attempts to clone the Stories format originally made popular by Snapchat. Another clone, Instagram Stories, announced 200 million daily users last month. Both services have slightly more daily users than Snapchat, which most recently announced 161 million daily users.。
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WhatsApp's Status feature was launched in late February. One reason could be that Snapchat's app is notoriously bad on Android, whereas WhatsApp and Facebook's other apps focus on Android performance.。
Notably, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram are larger networks than Snapchat overall. The company has yet to announce any usage numbers for Messenger Day and Facebook Stories. 。
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